Ready to elevate your root vegetables? With Happy Roots, you can easily transform simple ingredients into a flavorful and satisfying side dish. Whether you're adding a tasty complement to a main course or enjoying it on its own, this recipe is a quick and easy way to bring out the natural goodness of root vegetables with a delicious twist.
Grab your oven tray and let’s get started – this side dish is as simple as it is mouthwatering!
Root Vegetables:
Sweet Potatoes
Celery Root
Happy Roots dip:
2 dl (200 ml) sour cream (or a lighter version)
2 tsp Happy Roots
1/4 tsp salt
A drop of liquid honey
Cut the root vegetables (such as potatoes, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, celery root, parsnips) into bite-sized pieces, toss them in olive oil, salt, and Happy Roots. Place them in the center of the oven at 200°C (400°F) and bake until tender, about 45 minutes.
Serving Suggestion:
Use 1/2 tsp salt and 1 tsp Happy Roots per 500 grams of root vegetables.
What can I use Happy Roots Dip for?
Mix the ingredients and serve with chips, freshly boiled potatoes, or anything that could use a spicy, creamy sauce.
Tip! Make your own grilling oil with Happy Roots, so you'll always have a delicious, spiced option to brush on vegetables.