Oven-Baked Roots with Happy Roots

Happy Roots is a delightful blend of five organic herbs – rosemary, sage, oregano, thyme, and basil – combined with chili and white sesame. Developed by Mill & Mortar, this unique seasoning is perfect for all kinds of root vegetables, adding a fragrant, flavorful kick. Whether you’re roasting potatoes, carrots, beets, or sweet potatoes, Happy Roots will elevate them to new heights. You can also use it to spice up mashed potatoes, veggie burgers, or fries!

Oven-Baked Roots with Happy Roots


Ready to elevate your root vegetables? With Happy Roots, you can easily transform simple ingredients into a flavorful and satisfying side dish. Whether you're adding a tasty complement to a main course or enjoying it on its own, this recipe is a quick and easy way to bring out the natural goodness of root vegetables with a delicious twist.
Grab your oven tray and let’s get started – this side dish is as simple as it is mouthwatering!


Root Vegetables:
Sweet Potatoes
Celery Root

Happy Roots dip:
2 dl (200 ml) sour cream (or a lighter version)
2 tsp Happy Roots
1/4 tsp salt
A drop of liquid honey


Cut the root vegetables (such as potatoes, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, celery root, parsnips) into bite-sized pieces, toss them in olive oil, salt, and Happy Roots. Place them in the center of the oven at 200°C (400°F) and bake until tender, about 45 minutes.

Serving Suggestion:
Use 1/2 tsp salt and 1 tsp Happy Roots per 500 grams of root vegetables.

What can I use Happy Roots Dip for?
Mix the ingredients and serve with chips, freshly boiled potatoes, or anything that could use a spicy, creamy sauce.

Tip! Make your own grilling oil with Happy Roots, so you'll always have a delicious, spiced option to brush on vegetables.



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